
make English breakfast

 English breakfast  Hello chef friends, so guys On this blog I will explain the results of the practice that my friends and I got, namely the practice of making English Breakfast in the PMC course on Thursday, November 3 2022. The following is the explanation: · Same as Continental Breakfast, but with additional cereal. Doing:       I. French Toast French Toast Recipe: - Fresh milk 1 L - Eggs 4 pcs -Vanilla essence 2 tsp -Cinnamon powder 2 tsp - Maple syrup / honey For topping - Toasted bread Steps to make French Toast: 1) Put all the ingredients in a bowl, then mix with a balloon whisk. 2) Then heat the non-stick frying pan. Then melt the butter. 3) After that, dip the toast bread into the milk mixture (back and forth bread). 4) Then place the toast bread into the hot pan. 5) Flip until golden brown (slightly dry). 6) After that put it on the plate.    II. Sponge Cake § Sponge cake recipe: - Egg 150 gr (Approximately 3 pcs) - Sugar 100 gr - Soft flour 100 gr - Butter (melted) 32 gr -

English breakfast

English breakfast  Halo sahabat chef, so guys Pada blog kali ini saya akan memaparkan hasil praktek yang saya dan teman-teman dapatkan, yaitu praktek membuat English Breakfast di mata kuliah PMC pada hari Kamis, 3 November 2022. Berikut pemaparannya: ·         Sama seperti Continental Breakfast, namun ada tambahan sereal. ·         Doing:        I.           French Toast ·         Resep French Toast: -         Fresh milk                         1 L -         Egg                                    4 pcs -         Vanilla essence                 2 tsp -         Cinamon powder              2 tsp -         Maple syrup / honey         For topping -         Toast bread   ·         Langkah-langkah membuat French Toast: 1)      Semua bahan dimasukkan dalam bowl, lalu mix dengan balloon whisk. 2)      Kemudian panaskan frying pan anti lengket. Lalu lelehkan butter. 3)      Setelah itu, celupkan toast bread ke adonan susu (bolak-balik roti). 4)      Lalu letakkan toast bread ke pan yang sudah pa

Making American breakfast

American breakfast   Hello chef friends, so guys, on this blog I will explain the practical results that my friends and I got in the PMC course on Wednesday, November 2 2022, namely the practice of making American Breakfast. Here's the presentation: ~Doing American Breakfast: - Egg dishes (omelette)      Steps to make an omelette: 1) Crack the egg in a small bowl. Then add salt & pepper to taste. Then beat the eggs. 2) Heat a non-stick frying pan and apply a little oil or butter. 3) Then saute the contents such as tomatoes and onions which are cut into small pieces/coarse chops (optional). Just a moment. 4) After that, pour the eggs into the saute pan. 5) Scrumble a little until it's a bit lumpy and creamy. 6) Then fold the eggs. Don't let it dry. 7) The process is cooked for approximately 2 minutes. 8) After that, turn the eggs over and place them on a plate. -French Bread Cut, then heated on a frying pan until dry and slightly browned. - Meat sausage Cut the sausage,

American breakfast

American breakfast   Halo sahabat chef, so guys p ada blog kali ini saya akan memaparkan hasil praktek yang saya dan teman-teman dapatkan di mata kuliah PMC pada hari Rabu, 2 November 2022, yaitu praktek membuat American Breakfast. Berikut pemaparannya: Ø    Doing American Breakfast: -         Egg dishes (omelet)       Step membuat omelette: 1)    Pecahkan telur dibowl kecil. Lalu tambahkan salt&pepper secukupnya. Lalu kocok telur. 2)    Panaskan frying pan anti lengket dan oleskan sedikit minyak atau butter. 3)   Kemudian saute isian seperti tomato dan onion yang dipotong kecil/chop kasar (optional). Sebentar saja. 4)      Setelah itu, tuang telur ke dalam saute pan. 5)      Scrumble sedikit sampai agak menggumpal dan creamy. 6)      Kemudian lipat telur. Jangan sampai kering. 7)      Proses cooked selama kurang lebih 2 menit. 8)      Setelah itu balik telur, dan letakkan dipiring. -         French Bread Dipotong, kemudian dipanaskan di atas frying pan hingga kering dan sedikit ke

Making a continental breakfast

 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST  Hello chef friends, so guys, on this blog I will explain the practical results that my friends and I got in the PMC course on Tuesday 1 November 2022, namely the practice of making Continental Breakfast. Here's the presentation: · Continental breakfast is categorized as a simple breakfast. · In Continental Breakfast there are only 3 items, namely fruit, bread, and beverage (and preserve). What distinguishes Continental Breakfast from American Breakfast is that American Breakfast uses egg dishes. ~ Doing: 1. Fruit (Fresh fruit) Peeled, cut, then plating. 2. Bread (English Muffins) Plating then add preserve like butter. Thanks for reading 

Membuat contonental breakfast

Continental breakfast  Halo sahabat chef, so guys p a da blog kali ini saya akan memaparkan hasil praktek yang saya dan teman-teman dapatkan di mata kuliah PMC pada hari Selasa 1 November 2022, yaitu praktek membuat Continental Breakfast. Berikut pemaparannya: ·         Continental breakfast dikategorikan sebagai simple breakfast. ·         Pada Continental Breakfast hanya terdapat 3 item saja, yaitu fruit, bread, dan beverage (dan preserve). ·         Yang membedakan Continental Breakfast dengan American Breakfast ialah, pada American Breakfast menggunakan egg dishes.   Ø    Doing: 1.       Fruit (Fresh fruit) Dikupas, potong, kemudian plating. 2.       Bread (English Muffin) Plating lalu tambahkan preserve seperti butter. thanks for reading 

Making English Muffins

ENGLISH MUFFIN Hello chef friends, so guys, on this blog I will explain the results of my practice and those of my friends that I got, namely the practice of making English Muffins in the DRK course on Tuesday, October 25 2022. The following is the explanation: · Definition of English Muffins English muffin is a type of bread made by yeast fermentation process like making bread in general. So using yeast / yeast as the developer. The shape is small round, the surface is flat, baked on a flat pan or griddle, not in the oven.   · There are 2 recipes for making English Muffins, the first uses a starter and the second uses the straight dough method.   Recipe 1 (Using starter):   - Starter recipe: o Hard flour 100 gr o Water 125 gr o RagInstantnt 2 gr o Honey 1 gr   Notes for starters: a) The starter can be proofed for 1 hour. b) Starter can be stored for 12 hours (stored in a chiller if you want to store it for more than 1 hour). - Dough recipe: o Hard flour 150 gr o Butter 8 gr o Water 77